What is BARF Diet for Dogs?

What is BARF Diet for Dogs?


What is the BARF diet?

It is simply straightforward... fresh, raw dog food. Mother nature created the ideal and perfect recipe for dogs... dogs were created with the essential tools for survival...It is a BARF diet 

  • Biologically (B)
  • Appropriate (A)
  • Raw (R)
  • Food (F)

Diet for dogs

The evolution of dogs and humans...plenty has changed.

In today's modern times, humans choose to modify and highly process their foods genetically. Why do we feed dogs synthetic vitamins and minerals? When they are naturally found in raw, fresh, well-balanced, and unprocessed foods. Why does most of the pet food industry cook and process their foods? 

Applying heat kills off all the essential enzymes required for a dog's digestion; changing this process rectifies many health concerns as the dog's natural digestive system is required to process any unnatural food they have not been genetically designed to digest. 

High sugars, No enzymes, Synthetic vitamins and minerals, preservatives, additives, colours, flavours, and chemicals are just a few of the artificial foods fed to dogs today. This plays many factors in the pH of their bodies; dogs naturally balance their pH acids and alkaline levels through a raw, natural diet. 

Processed dog foods create high levels of inflammation and acidity, which is the breeding ground for chronic diseases and many health-related issues the modern world has created.

Not all things are created equal, particularly regarding a dog's nutrition; Mother Nature got it right. Right Start Pet Food has formulated a recipe developed over 11 years since 2009 through understanding the science behind the food we feed and the importance of a balanced diet.

It is necessary to allow a dog a fresh, natural, raw diet specifically designed for them to digest easily and obtain all the essentials they require for their well-being.  

This diet is suitable for puppies to adults; intake will vary depending on age, weight, breed, sex, life stage, reproduction, and activity levels. It is a fresh, appropriate diet that will provide healthy generations of animals. Reproductive health is genetically passed on through diet and environment. 

Right Start Pet Food offers 100% natural, premium, raw, whole food meals sourced from premium quality ingredients, free range and wild-caught whenever possible, selecting only the freshest in ingredients. 

We put a microscope over the entire diet, years of research, study, and trials, which has developed into what has become Australia's 1st all-natural, protein-rich, nutritionally sustainable complete meal.

Right Start Pet Food has a Certificate of Typical Nutritional Analysis Report to have Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9, together with all the essential macro and micro minerals available. 

See our Nutritional Guides to learn more about the nutritional value of our signature Roo for Dogs.

Why compromise when 100% NATURAL, RAW & FRESH is always BEST!

Love them like family, feed them like family.

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